Tutorial: How Matthias’ created a stunning Firefighter Online Course

Matthias, an instructor for emergency services and firefighters from Germany, is clearly one of our favorite tutors on teachr. We show you the great online course “Firefighters”, which he not only created himself, but also equipped with impressive 3D elements, AI, visuals and voice-over and the best thing is, you can do it with the same means. Watch and get inspired.

Matthias creates his online course on teachr, which makes it possible to create simple online courses in a short time. You simply start by creating a new blank course or using the AI function, which allows you to create a basic structure. The AI creates sections and some elements that you select.

Next, he changes some of the AI generated elements and creates a voice-over module that reads out texts in clear language. He typesets the texts or has them created by the AI and then inserts a suitable image. In teachr, you can choose from hundreds of voice overs in many languages and have the texts read aloud. This is helpful if you can’t or don’t want to create videos.

Matthias now tried to create AI generated images in the media gallery. This function delivers truly amazing results. Here, he has asked the AI to create an image showing firefighters in a medical emergency. The result is stunning!

Last but not least, after a few modules such as quizzes, learning games, voice-overs and picture galleries, Matthias integrates a 3D & AR element that he got from the teachr media library. There are over a hundred thousand free 3D models that can be used in the course license free. The special thing here is that he can explain the firefighters’ clothing and protective equipment in a very interactive way.

Matthias final course is amazing. It’s a mixture of fantastic elements and interactive modules that make learning much more exciting than just watching videos or reading texts. It makes the students interact more with the course.

See the course

And not just our Hero firefighters, who more than deserve such learning content instead of boring lessons, but you too can create these great online courses yourself with teachr. Just sign up for your tutor account on teachr and get started in minutes.

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