Boost Your teachr Online Course with Instagram Ads for Passive Income Success

The online learning industry is booming, and teachr is one of the leading platforms that allow experts to create and sell their online courses. With the rise in the popularity of online courses, it has become imperative for course creators to market and promote their courses effectively to stand out from the crowd. One of the most effective ways to boost your teachr online course is by leveraging Instagram ads. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to create and optimize your Instagram ad campaign for your teachr course and skyrocket your passive income.

Why Instagram Ads?

Instagram has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms, boasting over a billion users. The platform’s visual nature and high engagement rates make it an ideal medium for promoting online courses. By targeting the right audience and crafting strategic campaigns, you can significantly increase your course enrollment and passive income using Instagram ads.

Here are the steps to create and optimize your Instagram Ad Campaign for teachr Online Courses:

1. Set up your Instagram account

Before you can start promoting your course on Instagram, you need to have a business account. Ensure that your profile is professional and that it represents you and your online course well.

A – Upload a high-quality profile picture,
B – Write a clear and concise bio, and …
C – Include a link to your teachr course.

You can find the teachr public course link in your campus management in course.

2. Create engaging content

Consistently post interesting content related to your online course. Share insights, tips, and sneak peeks of your course material. Use a mix of images, videos, and carousels to make your content diverse and engaging.

3. Design an attention-grabbing ad

Use a tool like Canva to create an ad image or edit a 30-second video trailer from screencasts of your online course. Make sure that your ad is visually appealing and communicates the value of your course effectively.

4. Launch your Instagram ad campaign

To start promoting your teachr course on Instagram, create a Reel and boost it. Here are the steps to create a successful Instagram ad campaign:

A – Post your ad image or video as a Reel on your profile.

B – Click on the ‘Boost Reel’ button.

C – Select your target audience by choosing interests related to your course.

Tap on “Create your own”, Manually enter your targeting options.

For example, if you offer a photography course, the target users are interested in photography, cameras, and editing software. If you offer a medicine course, the target users may be interested in medicine and are supporters of medical universities. You can also specify a profession, such as doctor or paramedic.

Also consider the age target group – who may not have less income or may not fit your target group. For example you can set the age from 25 to 40.

D – Set a budget for your ad. We recommend a minimum of $30 per month for a test campaign to analyze its effectiveness. You can and should later experiment with a more sophisticated budget between 75$ – 300$ over 5 – 15 days.

Choose the right campaign goal

To ensure that your prospects can easily purchase your teachr course through your Instagram ad, select the campaign goal ‘More Website Visits‘. Add the public link to your course from teachr as the destination URL.

Analyze and optimize

Run your ad campaigns for a while and monitor their performance. Keep a close eye on metrics like click-through rate, cost per click, and conversions. Experiment with different ad creatives, audiences, and budgets to find the best combination for your teachr course.

You can see the results and sales in teachr at “Manage payment settings”. and then click on My invoices and sales or in your Stripe connected dashboard.


With the right strategy and execution, Instagram ads can be a powerful tool to boost your teachr online course and generate passive income. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating successful ad campaigns and attracting more students to your course. So go ahead and use the power of Instagram advertising to scale your teachr online course business today!


How to Use Canva to Create Engaging Ads for Your teachr Online Course on Instagram

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to create eye-catching ads for your teachr online course using Canva.

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